Thursday 4 August 2016

How To Nuke Your Hard-Drive

How to nuke your hard-drive before selling it

In this article we are going to know how to erase the data in the hard drive forever well the part is that the data in the hard drive must securely deleted In the case of formatting and partitioning will do this properly hence we use software like DBAN (Darik’s Boot and Nuke).
DBAN is a utility to securely delete your data from the hard drive by repeatedly overwriting the existing data with the new data repeatedly several times.
It is included with a Live Boot CD in which it will describe how the DBAN will be used and how to boot the CD.
You can use AutoNuke which is a option you can select the harddrive and the software does the rest when it is finished it will display the time took to erase the data in your hard drive in a console.
You can even follow the live statistics which shows the rounds and load averages.
If you are looking for the greater control you can select the interactive mode just press enter at the DBAN Start screen after seleting the interactive mode you will be presented with the following screen.
Select the device or the virtual partitions which you made on the devices you can use the space key to select the hard drives and press f10 to start deleting the data.
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